Grčki povjesničar Olimpiodor iz Tebe pržio je arsenov sulfid i dobio arsenik tijekom 5. stoljeća.<br><br>Vjeruje se da je Albert Veliki prvi izolirao element arsen iz spoja 1250., zagrijavanjem sapuna s arsenovim trisulfidom.<br><br>1649., Johann Schröder objavio je dva načina pripreme arsena.
Greek historian Olympiodorus of Thebes roasted arsenic sulfide and obtained white arsenic during 5th century AD.<br><br>Albertus Magnus is believed to have been the first to isolate the element from a compound in 1250, by heating soap together with arsenic trisulfide.<br><br>In 1649, Johann Schröder published two ways of preparing arsenic.
Selenij je prvi opazio oko alkemičar Arnaldo iz Villanove oko 1300. godine.<br><br>Selenij je 1817. otkrio Johan Gottlieb Gahn i zamijetio sličnost novog elementa otprije poznatom teluriju.<br><br>1873. Willoughby Smith ustanovio je da električna otpornost selenija ovisi o okolnjem svjetlu.
Selenium was first observed in about the year 1300 by the alchemist Arnold of Villanova.<br><br>Selenium was discovered in 1817 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius and Johan Gottlieb Gahn who noted the similarity of the new element to the previously-known tellurium.<br><br>In 1873, Willoughby Smith found that the electrical resistance of grey selenium was dependent on the ambient light.
Carl Jacob Löwig je otkrio brom 1825., dok je još bio student kemije na Sveučilištu u Heidelbergu u Njemačkoj.<br><br>Antoine Balard destilirao je brom iz otopine pepela algi zasićene klorom 1824.<br><br>Svoje rezultate objavio je 1826., pružajući dokaze da je tvar koju je otkrio novi element.
Carl Jacob Löwig discovered bromine in 1825, while still a chemistry student at Heidelberg University, Germany.<br><br>Antoine Balard distilled the bromine from a solution of seaweed ash saturated with chlorine in 1824.<br><br>He finally published his results in 1826, providing evidence that the substance he had discovered was a new element.
Škotski kemičar sir William Ramsay i njegov pomoćnik, engleski kemičar Morris Travers otkrili su kripton 1898. u Londonu.<br><br>Pronašli su kripton u ostatku preostalom nakon isparavanja gotovo svih sastojaka tekućeg zraka.<br><br>William Ramsay je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju 1904. za otkriće niza plemenitih plinova, uključujući kripton.
Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay and his assistant English chemist Morris Travers discovered krypton in 1898 in London.<br><br>They found krypton in the residue left from evaporating nearly all components of liquid air.<br><br>William Ramsay was awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of a series of noble gases, including krypton.
Njemački kemičari Robert Bunsen i Gustav Kirchhoff su otkrili rubidij 1861. tada novom metodom spektroskopije.<br><br>Izdvajanje metala pokušao je Bunsen, ali nikad nije dobio uzorke s više od 18 % rubidija.<br><br>Izdvajanje metala postigao je George de Hevesy hidrolizom rastaljenog rubidijevog hidroksida.
German chemists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff discovered rubidium in 1861 by the newly developed method of flame spectroscopy.<br><br>The separation of the metal was tried by Bunsen, but he never got samples with more than 18% of Rubidium.<br><br>The separation of the metal was only accomplished by George de Hevesy, through the hydrolysis of melted rubidium hydroxide.
Stroncij je prepoznat kao novi element 1790. kad su Adair Crawford i njegov kolega William Cruickshank analizirali uzorak minerala iz rudnika olova blizu mjesta Strontian u Škotskoj.<br><br>Element je naposljetku izolirao sir Humphry Davy 1808.<br><br>To je postigao elektrolizom smjese koja je sadržavala stroncijev klorid i živin oksid.
Strontium was recognized as a new element in 1790 when Adair Crawford and his colleague William Cruickshank analyzed a mineral sample from a lead mine near Strontian, Scotland.<br><br>The element was eventually isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808.<br><br>The isolation was done by the electrolysis of a mixture containing strontium chloride and mercuric oxide.
Godine 1787. Carl Axel Arrhenius pronašao je novi mineral blizu Ytterbyja u Švedskoj i imenovao ga <i>iterbit</i>, po tom selu.<br><br>Johan Gadolin je otkrio itrijev oksid u Arrheniusovom uzorku 1789., i Anders Gustaf Ekeberg nazvao je novi oksid <i>yttria</i>.<br><br>Elementarni itrij prvi je izolirao Friedrich Wöhler 1828.
In 1787, Carl Axel Arrhenius found a new mineral near Ytterby in Sweden and named it ytterbite, after the village.<br><br>Johan Gadolin discovered yttrium's oxide in Arrhenius' sample in 1789, and Anders Gustaf Ekeberg named the new oxide yttria.<br><br>Elemental yttrium was first isolated in 1828 by Friedrich Wöhler.
Cirkonij je kao element prvi prepoznao Martin Heinrich Klaproth 1789. godine u Berlinu, u uzorku cirkona iz Šri Lanke.<br><br>Metal cirkonij prvi je dobio u nečistom obliku Jöns Jakob Berzelius godine 1824. zagrijavanjem smjese kalija i kalijeva cirkonij-fluorida u željeznoj cijevi.<br><br>Nizozemski znanstvenici Anton Eduard van Arkel i Jan Hendrik de Boer otkrili su metodu proizvodnje cirkonija visoke čistoće 1925.
Zirconium was first recognized as an element by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789, in Berlin, in a sample of zircon from Sri Lanka.<br><br>Zirconium metal was first obtained in an impure form in 1824 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius by heating a mixture of potassium and potassium zirconium fluoride in an iron tube.<br><br>Dutch scientists Anton Eduard van Arkel and Jan Hendrik de Boer discovered a method for producing high purity zirconium in 1925.
Niobij je otkrio engleski kemičar Charles Hatchett 1801. i imenovao novi element kolumbij.<br><br>Godine 1846. njemački kemičar Henrich Rose samostalno je otkrio taj element i nazvao ga niobij.<br><br>Metal je prvi izolirao švedski znanstvenik Christian Wilhelm Blomstrand 1864. godine tako što je reducirao njegov klorid zagrijavajući ga u atmosferi vodika.
Niobium was discovered by the English chemist Charles Hatchett in 1801 and named the new element columbium.<br><br>In 1846, German chemist Henrich Rose independently discovered the element and named it niobium.<br><br>The metal was first isolated by Swedish scientist Christian Wilhelm Blomstrand in 1864 who reduced the chloride by heating it in a hydrogen atmosphere.
Molibdenit se često brkalo s grafitom i smatralo se da sadržava olovo.<br><br>Godine 1778. švedski znanstvenik Carl Wilhelm Scheele dokazao je da molibdenit nije grafit niti sadržava olovo.<br><br>1781. Scheeleov prijatelj i zemljak Peter J. Hjelm izolirao je metal molibden koristeći ugljik i laneno ulje.
Molybdenite was often confused for graphite and it was thought to contain lead.<br><br>In 1778 Swedish scientist Carl Wilhelm Scheele proved that molybdenite was not graphite nor did it contain lead.<br><br>In 1781, Scheele's friend and countryman, Peter J. Hjelm isolated the metal by using carbon and linseed oil.
Postojanje elementa 43 predviđeno je na osnovi periodnog sustava i o njegovom otkriću pogrešno je izviješteno 1925., kada ga se imenovalo mazurij.<br><br>Element su zapravo otkrili Carlo Perrier i Emilio Segrè 1937.<br><br>Pronađen je i u uzorku molibdena koji je poslao Ernest Lawrence, a koji je bio bombardiran deuteronima u ciklotronu u Berkeleyju.
Element 43 was predicted on the basis of the periodic table, and was erroneously reported as having been discovered in 1925, at which time it was named masurium.<br><br>The element was actually discovered by Carlo Perrier and Emilio Segrè in 1937.<br><br>It was also found in a sample of molybdenum sent by Ernest Lawrence that was bombarded by deuterons in the Berkeley cyclotron.
Jędrzej Śniadecki izolirao je ovaj element 1807., ali njegov rad nije potvrđen.<br><br>Jöns Berzelius i Gottfried Osann zamalo su otkrili rutenij 1827.<br><br>Godine 1844. Karl Ernst Claus potvrdio je prisutnost novog elementa i izolirao rutenij iz ostataka platine iz proizvodnje rubalja dok je radio na Kazanskom sveučilištu.
Jędrzej Śniadecki isolated the element in 1807, but his work was not ratified.<br><br>Jöns Berzelius and Gottfried Osann nearly discovered ruthenium in 1827.<br><br>In 1844, Karl Ernst Claus confirmed that there was a new element and isolated ruthenium from the platinum residues of the rouble production while he was working in Kazan University, Kazan.
Rodij je 1803. otkrio William Hyde Wollaston u Londonu.<br><br>Koristio je sirovu rudu platine koja je vjerojatno došla iz Južne Amerike.<br><br>Uvođenje trosmjernog katalitičkog pretvarača kompanije Volvo 1976. godine povećalo je potražnju za rodijem.
Rhodium was discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston in London.<br><br>He used crude platinum ore presumably obtained from South America.<br><br>The introduction of the three way catalytic converter by Volvo in 1976 increased the demand for rhodium.
Paladij je 1803. u Londonu otkrio engleski kemičar William Hyde Wollaston.<br><br>Ispitivao je taloge preostale iz platine nakon otapanja u zlatotopki, smjesi koncentrirane klorovodične i dušične kiseline.<br><br>Nakon toga izolirao je paladij nizom kemijskih reakcija.
Palladium was discovered in 1803, in London, by English chemist William Hyde Wollaston.<br><br>He examined the residues left from platinum after dissolving it in aqua regia, a concentrated solution of hydrochloric and nitric acids.<br><br>He then isolated palladium in a series of chemical reactions.
Srebro se koristi tisućama godina za ornamente i posuđe, za trgovinu, i kao osnova za mnoge monetarne sustave.<br><br>Njegova vrijednost kao plemenitog metala dugo se smatrala manjom samo od zlata.<br><br>Odlagališta troske u Maloj Aziji i na otocima u Egejskom moru upućuju na to da je čovjek naučio razdvojiti srebro od olova još 3000 godina pr. Kr.
Silver has been used for thousands of years for ornaments and utensils, for trade, and as the basis for many monetary systems.<br><br>Its value as a precious metal was long considered second only to gold.<br><br>Slag dumps in Asia Minor and on islands in the Aegean Sea indicate that man learned to separate silver from lead as early as 3000 BC.
Kadmij je otkrio njemački kemičar Friedrich Stromeyer 1817. godine kao nečistoću u cinkovom karbonatu.<br><br>Stromeyer je primijetio da neki nečisti uzorci kalamina (cinkovog karbonata) mijenjaju boju pri zagrijavanju, ali čisti kalamin ne.<br><br>Kadmij je samostalno otkrio njemački kemičar Karl Hermann 1818.
Cadmium was discovered by German chemist Friedrich Stromeyer in 1817 as an impurity in zinc carbonate.<br><br>Stromeyer noted that some impure samples of calamine (zinc carbonate) changed color when heated but pure calamine did not.<br><br>Cadmium was independently discovered by German chemist Karl Hermann in 1818.
Ferdinand Reich i Hieronymous Theodor Richter prvi su identificirali indij u sfaleritu po sjajnoj indigo-plavoj liniji u njegovom emisijskom spektru.<br><br>Kako element koji emitira sjajno plavo svjetlo nije bio poznat, zaključili su da je novi element prisutan u tim mineralima.<br><br>Richter je metal izolirao 1864.
Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymous Theodor Richter first identified indium in sphalerite by its bright indigo-blue spectroscopic emission line.<br><br>As no element was known with a bright blue emission they concluded that a new element was present in the minerals.<br><br>Richter went on to isolate the metal in 1864.

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