Daripada perkataan Yunani <i>hydro</i> (air), dan <i>genes</i> (membentuk)
From the Greek word <i>hydro</i> (water), and <i>genes</i> (forming)
Daripada perkataan Yunani <i>helios</i>, matahari
From the Greek word <i>helios</i>, the sun
Daripada perkataan Yunani <i>lithos</i>, batu
From the Greek word <i>lithos</i>, stone
Daripada perkataan Yunani <i>beryllos</i>, beril
From the Greek word <i>beryllos</i>, beryl
Daripada perkataan Arab <i>Buraq</i>, Parsi <i>Burah</i>
From the Arabic word <i>Buraq</i>, Persian <i>Burah</i>
Daripada perkataan Latin <i>carbo</i>, arang
From the Latin word <i>carbo</i>, charcoal
Daripada perkataan Latin <i>nitrum</i>, Yunani <i>Nitron</i>, soda asli; dan <i>genes</i>, membentuk
From the Latin word <i>nitrum</i>, Greek <i>Nitron</i>, native soda; and <i>genes</i>, forming
Daripada perkataan Yunani <i>oxys</i>, asid, dan <i>genes</i>, membentuk
From the Greek word <i>oxys</i>, acid, and <i>genes</i>, forming
Daripada perkataan Latin dan Perancis <i>fluere</i>, aliran
From the Latin and French <i>fluere</i>, flow or flux
Daripada perkataan Greek <i>neos</i>, baru
From the Greek word <i>neos</i>, new

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